Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Blessing

I made it through another night without needing a sleeping pill, it took awhile and it was hard to settle down but I did it. I am now 5 days post surgery and my milk hasn't come in. This truly is a blessing, my heart ached with the thought of my milk coming in with no sweet baby there to nurse at my breast. The bleeding has pretty much stopped so now to just wait for my body to reset itself and to work towards the goal of conceiving again. I know the months to come are going to be trying, and I am working on dealing with that and honestly the best I can ask for is not to have an empty womb by the time we reach our much missed baby's arrival date. I was so excited about the baby having such a cool birthday and now it has turned in to just another milestone of healing. I have been doing something each day so I am not hermiting myself though I know it is ok to do that too. I just seem to do better if I go somewhere or do something. I am working on finding something to wear I think I have picked out a couple pieces one a necklace with a forget me not and the other is a pendant that I can put some of the baby's ashes in so she/he will always be close to my heart.

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