Saturday, August 21, 2010

I knew I forgot something..meltdown

I seem to be having a lot more lately I have read/heard its because the hormones are still not sure what they should be doing regardless of the fact that my hcg is low enough or gone and I got a neg pregnancy test. I see that as good but well you know just another piece of the sadness. Anyhow I have said in a couple other threads that this isn't a good week for me. My post procedure appt is on Tuesday and that was the day we were supposed to find out what the gender of our baby was. Fortunately if there is anything good out of this, my follow up is with the specialist and not at my regular ob office so that will help a bit. Then I will see my reg gyn the follow Tuesday at their office. I requested an gyn slot so I wouldnt have to deal with seeing to many pregnant women. Well my birthday is Wednesday and I am so frustrated with everyone. My mom and my MIL are taking me out on Monday for lunch and a movie, I do not want to go at all but my husband is pressuring me because he feels it would be good for me to get out and they are only trying to help. Then were on the way to the viewing last night for my uncle and she says to Craig well we thought we would do lunch and a movie on Monday, so that would keep Kim's birthday free and then maybe you could do date night on Thursday. So what does she think we should do for my birthday? Craig and I would normally just go out and keep it low key, I dont even want that this year. Yet everyone is planning this week for me like its nothing and no one is understanding that I feel so overwhelmed with this week coming and the fact that I had two milestones in the next two weeks, finding out what my baby was and the half way point of my pregnancy. Instead I am sitting here with an empty uterus and a broken heart and they all think that everything should just be ok this week while I want to scream just leave me alone and let me miss my baby. I was trying to explain this to a friend and the tears started falling right in the middle of Grondins. Fortunately it was empty but for the boys and I and the girls up there know me we have been going there since we moved up here. I hung up the phone and they asked what was wrong and I told them. They were all really great and supportive its just still hard to keep moving on. I did really well until one of them asked how soon we would try again and I was explaining that our plan is first cycle but if it happened before then, then we would take whatever and one piped up and said I think that I might have just done that. REALLY??? Is this the time to pipe up with that?? UGH! I ignored her and kept on with our conversation. I just dont understand why people dont think before opening their mouths. Prayers for the week ahead are greatly appreciated and needed.

1 people left a comment!:


Kim, My heart breaks for you. I wish I could take away your pain. Nothing will, I know that. Please know I will always be here for you. Brian and I are both praying for you. I am so very sorry my friend. I love you lots.

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