Saturday, February 27, 2010

O time

Alrighty its time:) I ended up getting an opk and really had to battle with myself because I swore it wasn't the way I wanted to go. However due to a yeast infection I felt stuck. I needed to know so I could start the progesterone in time to help support a pregnancy if need be. I was pretty sure I was about to ovulate but the yeast infection was skewing my confirmation so I caved. I only got a positive yesterday which was fine because it did what I needed which was let me know it was happening so i can start progesterone on time to work on upping my levels. So right now fingers crossed waiting for hopefully an extended LP and a sticky pregnancy

Monday, February 22, 2010

Oh yeah lab work

I never got to update on the lab work because I got sick before I could. All was well so its just wait and see how this month progresses and then switch things up next month if it is another extra long cycle

Sick again

Well yeah because I have crazy luck. Now I have a stomach viral. I had just started to feel better. Yesterday was the first day I was actually half way steady on my feet and then boom stomach viral. Seriously? So today is day 17 and things are starting to look like maybe soon. Though who knows. I am gettin nervous with my trip next week but God knows what's best and I should be able to manuever the timing to make it work though we will just have to see. Next update should be with O news I hope.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What a week

I have been so sick and that is really putting it mildly. I developed cellulitis from mrsa and was very sick. Even stoned out of my mind on pain meds I still managed to get all the clomid in LOL guess a one track mind can be a good thing sometimes. For now it's just waiting to ovulate and recovering from being so sick. Hopefully the sickness wont affect the ovulation to much. I had a crazy period anyhow it lasted for 8 days so not normal for me. I have no idea why but am glad its over. So today is cd 11 and its just the wait and see approach

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

CD 4

Well I went to see my gyn Dr. D today. He decided that he wanted me to try progesterone for the second half of my cycle once I ovulate I am to take the progesterone supplement until gone or I get a bfp. He did labs fsh, prolactin and thyroid. He will call me I think tomorrow with the results but its a start. I am going to get some b6 when were out tomorrow getting my medicine and I am starting the clomid tonight too. Need to do everything possible to extend the luetal phase. So here we go again. Hopefully with better results this time.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


So.... O was day 38 or 39 which puts me at 8 or 9 dpo and I am having brown discharge when I wipe tonight. So not sure whats going on, thinking a LPD if I have full fledged bleeding by tomorrow I will call my dr on Monday and talk to them about how short my second half is because it could definitely be preventing me from getting pg. Feeling a little low because I know we caught the right time so its a real bummer thinking something might be wrong. Time will tell.

Monday, February 1, 2010

defintely ovulated!

Not sure what day I ovulated but I definitely did I am saying the 29th just to have something to use a guage for when to test or expect that unwelcomed visit. I am praying for a bfp. Time to wait and see. It's amazing how obsessed we get with the two week wait, its truly I swear one of the longest waits we have when we are wanting to be pregnant. I have already in my mind gone through the ok how soon can I test? When should I make my first appt if I get a bfp. Its crazy how wrapped up we get with all of this when we are wanting a new one so badly. I know I saw some funny links for what to do during the two week wait comedy always works! Better go find those links