Monday, August 9, 2010


So I got up prepared to hopefully have the d&e today but bracing myself that I wouldn't so I wasn't horribly shocked when I got the news that it wouldnt be until tomorrow however I was less then thrilled when I was told that I would have to go in this afternoon to have laminaria inserted and then be sent home to wait the night out and go in the morning. After doing some research I have to say that I am not even remotely thrilled with this idea. Some had a little uncomfortableness while eithers complained about it being excruciating. Frankly, neither sounds great and all I can think is really, havent I been through enough? I mean come on how much more am I expected to take right now? I am just so defeated and feeling so overwhelmed with all of this and it just keeps getting worse. Please pray for me that this isn't as bad as I have read and I get through this and the evening without it being horrible. I am so afraid of going in to labor too. I am just overwhelmed.

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