Saturday, August 14, 2010

Another day

Well today has been decent. I don't know if I should feel guilty when a good day comes along I definitely feel mixed about them. Craig and I had to do couple errands today and stopped for lunch it was a decent lunch and we were able to talk about everything. One thing I am finding that I am becoming very dependant on Craig and that concerns me because I worry about how I am going to do when he goes back to work so I am really working at using him when I need him but understanding that he has to be gone from me and I need to start to work at accepting that fact. I still can't believe how dependant I am on him now. I get anxious when were apart for long. We talked about how each day that passes is a day closer to trying again and I need to concentrate on each step in the process, appts etc being a step closer to trying again. Right now I am suffering in this horrible limbo where I dont have answers, my body isn't pregnant anymore and I can't do anything to change that right now its a terrible state to be in. Craig also suggested that I make a goal a day to complete which I think is probably a good idea that way I have something to concentrate on daily. Getting out the last couple days has been a good thing, I am still crying daily I just can't help it but at least I am starting to feel like I am not just living to get through every minute its now more like every morning,afternoon and evening. I just want the pain to ease

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