Saturday, April 17, 2010

WOW Revelation

So I was saying my prayers last night as usual and was saying my usual prayer for a healthy pregnancy,baby and ending up with a baby or two;) in my arms. Well as I have said before I have struggled with the interventions of using clomid so its been one of those things that from time to time I question then it hit me last night when I was praying that it truly is God in control clomid or not he still controls whether that pregnancy will occur period! My thoughts and concerns about doing something like clomid really aren't founded totally as the fact still remains whether I use it or not a conception may not occur on it as well as off it so in the end HE is the one who is ultimately in charge no matter what. I feel much better about the whole situation. I mean I never felt horribly off as I am ovulating on my own I just really needed it to help with the LPD and strengthen ovulation. In the end I could take any number of medications but without God's hands in the whole success of it, it would not happen. He is awesome!

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