Tuesday, April 13, 2010

negative beta

Is it terrible to say I am relieved? I am completely relieved. I know I was pregnant I have no doubt about that but the negative test makes it easier to move on then to have to go through garbage of doing more labs etc so honestly it's a relief to have that negative. At least I know I can stop the progesterone and get my period with no concerns over what I might have done. I know I did get pregnant so that is good too since I know it can happen, though not the end I would have wanted a baby in my arms is obivously what my preference would have been but to go through a true full blown miscarriage. I will take this experience over that any day. Now I am waiting for another call regarding getting a script and I am hoping that, that will happen easily this time. I really think it's needed and will only help the situation. Next if I get it then I will take it nice and early in hopes of bringing ovulation earlier in the cycle. Day 14 would be fabulous, also learned something from last month my body is naturally working as well since I ovulated on day 20 and that was with a very late clomid start. That is really an awesome thing it means my body is starting to behave a bit more. Also my lp extended well with the progesterone and pregnancy even with how brief it was. That bodes well for the next time that as long as the pregnancy is viable I have a good chance of a continuing pregnancy. So now to wait for cd 1. Here we go again.......

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