Thursday, November 4, 2010

What to say

I guess I should start with I feel so tested right now. I had a "bad" appointment today and according to u/s results I am still some time away from ovulating. Now honestly this is not abnormal for me per se its only day 13 and I often ovulate as late as days 19-21 on clomid but I was really hopeful since I responded so well when I got pregnant with Hope. I was so hopeful that it would be a nice response but again I know that it isn't abnormal but I am still sad. I so desperately want to be pregnant again and bring home a baby. Every day that passes the clock ticks closer to when she would have come home live with us. My heart is heavy and I am trying so hard to cast it off on God but the devil keeps getting in the way. Pray dear friends pray. Pray that things move swiftly and it's not a lost cycle, pray that we do conceive as soon as possible and pray most of all for peace of heart for me. The pain will never go away but it does ease slowly. I am missing her so much today as I go through this when I should be pregnant.

2 people left a comment!:


hang in there hon...I'm so sorry. It's very hard to lose a baby...


Thanks Gen:) I appreciate it

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