Monday, January 31, 2011


What can I say but it started off terrible. After a weekend on bad dreams and worries all I could do was continue to talk myself down from the worry. I almost cried on the way to the appt. Then I saw Sharon was my tech and thought I sure hope this is good because poor Sharon always get the bad news appt's for me. Though as I was hanging my purse and coat a wave of peace fell over me. I really knew it was going to be ok. I was so relieved when she put the transducer on to see a beating heart and within minutes bob was all over the place moving like crazy. So much so that it was hard to get any real look at him or her other than a very active baby. We finally got a slight profile. However bob didn't want to show us the goods, and sat with legs crossed. I am looking foward to the next appt and finding out what we are having. I can't wait to know officially. Still thinking were having a boy though I would be beyond thrilled to be having another little girl. In the end though I just want a live baby to come home with us. i also got my doppler today and am so relieved to have it, at first I couldnt really get a hb but tonight I did a beautiful strong 156 bpm. What a beautiful sound! Oh lastly I did find out that the due date they are going by is July 27th. I will take it LOL 3 days sooner works for me!

2 people left a comment!:


I'm glad it went well, Kim. :-)

Busy SAHM in Cali

glad that it went well. I will keep you in my prayers.

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