Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I hate the second week between ultrasounds, no matter how much rationally I know things are ok, I still manage to start to freak out. Fortunately, I can talk myself down pretty much every time but it's still stressful. So Monday is the next u/s. Which will be the point that Hope died, which I suspect is why this week has been even more anxiety filled then normal. I can't wait until I can actually feel movement. Though honestly even that brings another worry, the times when I don't feel movement. Such a rollercoaster ride, but one I am thankful to be given the opportunity to ride.

2 people left a comment!:



I think this time would be hard for anyone who went through what you experienced. Hang in there.


Thanks Leeann, I sure am trying. Its definitely a long road this time.

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