Sunday, May 2, 2010

waiting, wonderful, whiney

LOL about sums it up, its that kind of a Sunday. We had a great day at church but again I am not convinced that its where we belong. Though I do really like the church and find it doctrinally sound one thing they do not do is communion. IMO it's important and its something that I think should be partaken in the Christian church. So I need to talk to the pastor about that and go from there. Though DD#1 has already said she wants to be confirmed so we need to figure out where to do that and what direction to go in. If we really want to stay with Joey's church we will likely have her take confirmation through the UMC in town. If we decide to go to one of the two Lutheran churches I want to try then it won't matter. I just keep praying that God leads me in the right direction and weighs on my heart the way to go. I feel like I can't quite find what I want and wonder if my standards are to high. It's tough to figure all this out and to know what to trust. Lastly I am having serious hormone swings its crazy LOL its going to be a long trying 10 more days. This is definitely trying and I pray that God blesses us this month. Waiting, waiting, waiting.......

1 people left a comment!:


Kim, I pray this will be your month. I know what you mean about the mood swings... Clomid is rough stuff. The Progesterone is too.

I hope you find the right church for you and your family. I have been thinking about you alot. Prayers being said... Lots of love my friend, Audrey

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