Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Took two more tests this morning and still positive. I am feeling pretty good about things. I called the OB office this morning and they called me back. No betas, I am waiting to hear whether he wants me to do progesterone the first tri or not. I have my first appt scheduled for June 14th with the other Dr. D who is truly my favorite dr. Definitely naueseous. I am so excited and nervous and well all those things that go along with doing this again. God is good and I will continue to give him the glory for this blessing as well as pray that all goes well and we have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. I will try to get test pics posted later today. Silly blog uploader hasnt been working.

1 people left a comment!:


Love all the tests. They are for sure getting darker. I have to go get my Betas drawn each time, being high risk they want to keep up with everything.

Glad you are taking the progesterone. I took prometrium for 12 weeks. Now I am on the 17P shots, until term.

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