Monday, March 22, 2010

argh an explanation that needs to be given

I swear sometimes I wonder about my luck. I had this all written out once and now I have to do it again@@. Ok so I was reading my posts from the beginning and realized that I needed to address the subject of fertility drugs since I had posted intially about not using them yet I am on my second month of clomid. So I am now on cycle 4 since my cycles have returned the first two both had luetal phases of 8 days. Now if you don't know much about how things work here is the low down. The second half of a woman's cycle is considered normal if its between 10 and 14 days. Mine were 8. Now what does this mean you ask? It means that if sperm and egg met that with a LP of 8 days there would be little to no chance that it would implant and go on to be a succesful pregnancy. Now what does clomid do? Well clomid does several things it can help with ovulation, it can create stronger ovulation, it can bring ovulation earlier in the cycle and it can also help to increase a luetal phase. So I took it last cycle and this cycle as well as prometrium, its not time for that yet this cycle but with both of them my cycle length increased to 14 days or 13 but it was definitely much longer than the previous two. So that is why I am taking clomid right now to help increase my luetal phase to make the odds the best to allow for implantation and a sucessful pregnancy.

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