Monday, March 22, 2010

AHHH how times change

I was just reading my first post and realized if anyone went from point a to point b to hey hopefully point c they would be thinking alrighty then... So I guess I better clarify this for my own thoughts as well as so the understanding is there. I have started clomid again. I am in the middle of my fourth cycle now and have used clomid the last two. Now a couple things about clomid. Clomid is an ovulatory drug that helps support ovulation, improve egg quality and it also helps to shorten ovulatory cycles that are to long and most of all and the primary reason I am taking it again is because it helps to lengthen LPD's. A lpd aka as luetal phase defect is a problem with a womans second half of her cycle. Basically if your second half of your cycle isnt long enough then implantation can't take place and you could be pregnant but the baby will not have a chance to implant and grow because your body will signal nothing is there and that its time for your period even when it isn't which is what has been happening to me. I am getting my period 8 days after I ovulate. Average is 10-14, so the clomid and prometrium help to deal with that problem in hopes of creating a good enough enviroment that an implantation will take place and be successful both things in conjunction with each other give a higher chance of success. I am willing to do whatever it takes to assure that if a pregnancy occurs that it has the best chance of survival. So clomid it is!

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