Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Ok so still nothing well I dont think anything but maybe something but I don't know. So had great cm for a few days but not a solid thought on cp. So who knows. Sore breasts right now now sure why but hey since I am journaling to journal. I have lost track of what cd I am and will adjust that once I get a period or get a positive test but its a lot over 28 for sure and no confirmation of ovulation. Isabella has weaned which is so sad to me but it just kind of happened so now I just pray I get the chance to nurse another baby soon. I really do hate the humdrum of not knowing but it will work out. Decisions will come based on what happens in the next two weeks. If I dont have a period by the first of Feb I will test, if neg I will call the gyn to see about provera and go from there. So theres at least a half plan

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